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واسط معروف و توانمند FSUIPC توسط Pete Dowson برای شبیه ساز پرواز Preapr3d نسخه 4 ارائه شد.پشتیبانی از معماری 64 بیتی ویژگی اصلی این ویرایش می باشد.ویژگیهای این نسخه شامل:

Joystick control facilities:
Facilities for joystick calibration – specifically, more accurate setting of dead zones and centres.
Joystick mapping for multi-engined aircraft throttles
Facilities for reverse thrust adjustment on each throttle, or via a separate reverser,
Joystick button programming, for any Flight Sim control, including those not available in FS’s own assignment menu.
Joystick buttons can also be made to produce key-presses, for instance when this is the only way to control an add-on aircraft panel or other accessory.
Joystick button assignments for Project Magenta controls, and for Roger Wilco’s PTT action.
Joystick button assignments for use by WideFS clients on Networked PCs.
All button assignments programmable separately for press and release
Facilities for analogue flap and spoiler setting, with detentes.
Facilities for analogue elevator, rudder and aileron trim setting.
PFC COM-port connected devices, operating through my PFCP3D4.DLL driver, can also have their switches and buttons programmed using the same facilities.
Capabilities for all of these things to be specific to an aircraft, automatically changing when you change aircraft.

Direct axis assignments
Facilities for asignment of any Windows API (not DirectInput) joystick axis to any FS axis control, or sequences of other controls dependent upon axis range and direction of change.
Axes can be read as Windows Game controller calibrated values, or direct as ‘Raw’ values for setting specific values.
Capabilities for these things to be specific to an aircraft, automatically changing when you change aircraft.

Key press programming facilities:
Key-press programming, for any Flight Sim control, including those not available in FS’s own assignments dialogues.
FS controls can be sent with fixed parameter, for use in setting specific analogue values.
Key-press combinations including TAB, MENU and WIN as extra shifts, for many more assignment possibilities.
Key-press assignments for Project Magenta controls, and for Roger Wilco’s PTT action.
Key-press assignments for use by WideFS7 clients on Networked PCs

FSUPC یک رابط بین برنامه های الحاقی و شبیه ساز پرواز می باشد و بدون آن تقریباً امکان تولید برنامه های الحاقی پیچیده در گذشته و حال ممکن نبوده است.

برای دریافت نسخه دمو FSUIPC 5 به اینجا بروید .توجه داشته باشید که این ویرایش مختص Prepar3d 4 بوده و با سایر ویرایشها همخوانی ندارد.

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