  • Ramin
  • 53.78% (معمولی)
  • بال ایرانسیم شروع کننده موضوع
11 سال پیش

US Airways today announced that it has reached a new tentative collective bargaining agreement with the Airline Customer Service Employee Association, an alliance between the Communication Workers of America (CWA) and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT), the two unions that represent the airline’s 6,500 passenger service employees and reservation agents. Details of the agreement will be made available by CWA and IBT

“We are very pleased that we have reached a tentative agreement with our passenger service and reservation employees, the airline’s largest group of customer contact employees,” said US Airways Vice President, Labor Relations Al Hemenway. “I’d like to thank the Communication Workers of America and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters for their dedication to representing our employees and for their tireless efforts to conclude an agreement that recognizes the hard work and professionalism of our employees

CWA and IBT will be presenting the details of the tentative agreement to their members for consideration. Once ratified, the new agreement will be in place for 18 months

Tags: Airlines, US Airways

Category: Airnation
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