  • mehornet
  • 64.9% (دوستانه)
  • بال ایرانسیم شروع کننده موضوع
10 سال پیش
hi all@};-


Taken at Kecskemet airbase in Hungary in 2003, when the Hungarian Air Force operated the Fulcrum fighter jets (later replaced by the SAAB Gripen), the following images shows a single-seat Mig-29 experiencing a wheel brake anti-skid controls lockup on landing.

As you can see, in spite of yawing to the left, the aircraft finished its landing run within the runway. As a consequence of the antiskid failure, there were burst/exploded tyres with subsequent damage to the wheel-rims.


This explains the importance of the anti-skid system and why some military aircraft have to check the antiskid activation and radio the check to the TWR before landing (the F-104 was one of those when it flew with the Italian Air Force).


Here’s a detail of a burst tyre of the main landing gear.

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