  • mehornet
  • 64.9% (دوستانه)
  • بال ایرانسیم شروع کننده موضوع
11 سال پیش

There is usually not enough height to achieve this and coupled with the tailwind on landing is not recommended. This is known as the Impossible turn

While simulating an engine failure on climb-out, the airplane was observed to enter a left teardrop maneuver as it attempted to return to the airport. During the turn, the airplane stalled, entered a spin, and impacted level terrain 1 nautical mile northeast of the departure end of runway 06. The reported winds were 060 degrees at 15 knots. According to the air traffic controller working the local control position, after completing several touch-and-go landings on runway 06, the instructor requested the first of two teardrop return to runway engine-out maneuvers. During the first one, the airplane made a left teardrop 180-degree turn as it attempted to land on runway 24. During the turn, the airplane appeared to lose a significant amount of altitude. The controller stated that the airplane recovered prior to landing, and then executed a go-around to reenter the traffic pattern. During the second attempt, the airplane again entered a teardrop turn to the left and then "spin to the ground." An examination of the wreckage revealed that the airplane impacted the terrain in a 70-degree nose down, left wing low attitude… At the last data sampling point, the engine rpm (revolutions per minute) was at 2,680 rpm, the engine manifold pressure was 27.5 inches, and the airplane electrical bus voltage was 27.5 volts. The recorded data did not show any engine or system anomalies.
  • capt.persis
  • 54.86% (معمولی)
  • بال نقره ای - شاهین سوار
11 سال پیش
Thanks for your useful post
?I have a request: Could you describe the tears drop turn
please introduce that very clear to all of us

  • mehornet
  • 64.9% (دوستانه)
  • بال ایرانسیم شروع کننده موضوع
11 سال پیش
Hello all

teardrop maneuver often has two part

for civil aviation
for light and ultralight aircraft

A teardrop approach is a type of procedure turn which uses an outbound toinbound radial intercept maneuver to reverse course and establish the aircraft inbound on theintermediate and final approach course. Do not exceed the "Remain Within" distance. Theteardrop approach is usually a timed approach.

Teardrop approaches are not very common in the low altitude approach plates, however inthe FLIP High Altitude IAP's the teardrop maneuver is often used with non-DME penetrations

تصاویر از سرور میزبان حذف شده اند

Turning back after engine failure during the take off phase of
flight in a single engine aircraft is examined using a simplified

The analytical model. The important parameters are identified.
The analysis shows that the optimum flight path is teardrop shaped
with a 45 Degrees bank angle at stall velocity during the turn.

The effects of engine failure altitude, wind direction and velocity,
and bank angle on the required runway length are examined.

The results show that the typical recommendations for general
aviation single engine aircraft are not optimum

however teardrop maneuver can be used in other situation
for example entering hold point
  • capt.persis
  • 54.86% (معمولی)
  • بال نقره ای - شاهین سوار
11 سال پیش
This was teardrop turn?? I knew that before guys 😕

BUT the point is here... I knew just civil part of this important and popular turn

By the way .... thank you

Im all ears for your perfect posts

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