  • S.Salahshour
  • 66.36% (دوستانه)
  • بال نقره ای - شاهین سوار شروع کننده موضوع
14 سال پیش
With a target of first flight before the end of the year, Boeing announced it has finished installation of side-body section reinforcements on the 787 Dreamliner. The modification, completed on Wednesday, involved equipping the jet with new fittings at 34 stringer locations in the joint that connects the wing to the fuselage. Boeing anticipates similar installations on the static test airframe and the second 787 flight-test aircraft in the near future.

  • Danyal_elia
  • 53.48% (معمولی)
  • بال برنزی - کبوتر یار
14 سال پیش
they just opened a 787 plant in my state in charleston im going to go there , they have a simulator for it i might give ti a try.
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