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Flight Environment X for FSX only

Flight1’s first ever release over ten years ago was an add-on called ‘FS Clouds’ – which over several incarnations Flight Simulator, from FS98 to FS2002 established itself as one of the very best selling add-ons of all time.

Flight Environment for FS2004 continued this key product line, garnering critical acclaim and topping users ‘must-have’ lists.
Now available for Flight Simulator X, this latest Flight Environment release is set to bring virtually unlimited new cloud, sea and sky-scapes to life as never before.
The new Xenvision technology creates beautifully rendered clouds, sky themes, water themes all via an easy to use interface that will be a dream for both advanced and novice users.
You can literally click and go! With one click you will experience the vast difference our textures make to bring your simulator to life.
Asides from selecting from one of the many stunning themes, you can allow FEX to intelligently select themes for you, varying your experience every time you fly. Or if you are an advanced user, get ready for some customization tools that will allow you endless creations.

Optimised for performance and quality Flight Environment X offers extreme realism with NO performance hit over the default sky and cloud effects












Here is what you get:

- A large selection of realistic themes for water, sky and clouds
- Surrealistic themes to create amazing screen shots
- Instant community access to a free library of other users themes
- Individual themes for weather conditions such as storms and pollution

Control Your Experience with Advanced Tools!

Flight Environment X uses unique texture creation technology! This technology brings you a revolutionary new approach to how you control your experience of the Flight Simulator world.

The range of customisation is enormous, allowing an incredible depth of control, from adjusting the transparency of clouds and the colour of the bottom of clouds, right through to adjusting how the water colour scales in depth. Intuitive tools allow even the novice to be able to achieve stunning results. The included cloud editor will make it nearly impossible to see the same cloud twice.

Community Integration

There is no denying that over the past 10 years of flight simulation, the community surrounding 'simming' has grown and provides a wealth of experience, knowledge and creative talent. With Flight Environment X we have developed features to make it easier for our users to interact and share themes through our interface.

All members of our team strongly share a vision to make using our products fun. Imagine what it's like to make an amazing sunset or water set or cloud set. Just think about this for a moment. Either by chance or design, the whole combination works together like an explosion of reality and you're like "Wow, this is incredible!". What do you do, make a screen shot? Everyone is saying "...which clouds, which water, what settings?" Our community approach means when you hit that magic moment of truly "as real as it gets" you have all the tools to just hit "Publish Theme" and our web site will publish screen shots and settings for you.

How does this work? You can create new themes which effectively originate a new set of textures; the settings used can then be uploaded to our dedicated servers and shared with other users with one click of a button, along with screenshots showing the theme in effect in FSX. You can then browse the themes other users have created and simply download any themes which you would like to try and install into FSX using your settings for texture resolution and compression.

One additional advantage of this is for multiplayer so everybody can see the same thing.

Increased Realism

All the artwork used in Flight Environment X has been wholly originated from high definition photography taken by Peter Wilding using state of the art camera equipment. Many flying trips have been undertaken to photograph clouds from every angle along with water photography, sunrises and sunsets.

This has enabled us to master all textures at a very high definition and resolution (ten mega pixels) which is then scaled to your requirements in FEX. We have gone to exhaustive lengths to quality check every piece of artwork found in FEX.

We can confidently state that this is as good as it gets in terms of realism for clouds, water and skies.

Performance Benefits

Optimized for performance and quality, Flight Environment X has no adverse extra performance requirements from the default FSX installation.
FSX default texture resolution for clouds is 256x256 (please do not confuse this with your monitor resolution as this is a seperate thing). The previous Flight Enviroment supplied improved cloud textures at 512x512. FEX goes one step further and is the first to market truly high definition cumulus, stratus, wispy and cirrus cloud textures mastered up to a whopping 4096x4096 pixel size.

The benefit is super high realism in Flight Simulator X.

All our textures are provided in four screen resolutions: 4096x4096, 2048x2048, 1024x1024, 512x512, 256x256, 128x128. 1024x1024 and higher looks visually stunning and FEX is so versatile that you can balance all textures for smoothness and clarity. This puts you in full control to balance visual quality with performance.

Massive Variation

Variety keeps the flight simulation experience a dynamic and immersive one. Our goal is to emulate the diversity and variation found in the natural world. We have surpassed our own expectations and we are confident you will be as thrilled with the results as we are.

The variety of artwork in FEX is truly enormous, much more than has ever been released to date by any other product.

It is all about the attention to detail. For example in the previous edition of Flight Environment the main cumulus cloud is derived from three separate elements; that of cumulus, wispy and stratus – and was the first add-on to bring you this degree of variation. FEX goes even further: we now have sixteen individual elements of carefully and intelligently selected artwork, all working together.

Using this same method we can provide a massive variation of water artwork, including many different wave patterns, swell effects and unique coral patterns which if distributed in the traditional manner would equal a download running into gigabytes