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  • مدیریت شروع کننده موضوع شبیه ساز: Prepar3D 5.3
11 سال پیش

According to IranAir Public Relations, despite all existing restrictions, lack of necessary spare parts, special tools and initial trainings on this, IranAir maintenance department experts managed to repair electric parts of A300-600 engine CF6-80C2A5F, relying on their own expertise and technical knowledge.It's noticeable that since the entrance of this aircraft type into IranAir fleet in 1994, it was still difficult to buy spare parts for repairing purposes due to problems resulting from sanctions. But thanks to IranAir technical experts' knowledge, this was achieved. It's worth mentioning that the engine electric system transfers electrical energy; meanwhile, it reports the signals and the functioning quality of different systems of the plane to the captain through changing them to various signals and provides the captain with the possibility to have the data with more details. Problems of the functioning of this system can ground the plane.

IranAir Public Relation

PC Flight Simulation Geek Since 1998
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