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  • مدیریت شروع کننده موضوع شبیه ساز: Prepar3D 5.3
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Little Navmap نرم افزاری مجانی ، منبع باز و بسیار توانمند برای انجام برنامه ریزی پرواز (Flight Planner) می باشد.این نرم افزار برای تمامی سیستم عاملهای مرسوم از جمله لینوکس، مک و ویندوز ارائه شده است.

ویژگیهای اصلی این نرم افزار:

Supported platforms: Windows 7, 8, 10, Linux and macOS.
Modern and easy to use interface: Using a main menu, context menus, toolbars, dock windows, undo, recent file lists and more.
Support for Flight Simulator X, Flight Simulator - Steam Edition, Prepar3D v2, v3 and v4.
Data is collected from flight simulator stock and add-on files. No need to buy or download external data like AIRAC cycles.
Scenery library databases for flight simulators are stored separately and can be changed on the fly.
Display of METARs or decoded weather data from Flight Simulator, Active Sky Next, AS16, NOAA or VATSIM in tooltips and information windows.
The program saves almost all settings including the flight plan, window positions, searches and more and restores everything on start up.
Most questions or information dialogues can be disabled.
Little Navmap can be run on computers that do not contain any simulator installations at all. Simply copy the scenery library database from your flight simulator computer.
Program consumes low resources and can be run on older computers.
Information windows and tabs show detailed information about airports, navaids, airways, airspaces, weather, AI aircraft, multiplayer aircraft and more.
Exhaustive search function for airports and navaids allows filtering by an extensive range of criteria.
Distance and direction based spatial search for airports or navaids around a center point. Can be combined with all other search options.
Search for airports or navaids by BGL file name or path to find your preferred add-on airports.
Support for navdata updates from fsAerodata and FSX/P3D Navaids update.
Recognizes VORTAC and TACAN radio stations from fsAerodata navaid update.
Units can be changed between nautical, imperial and metric.
Multiple GUI styles including a night mode. Two styles can be customized in configuration files.

Flight Plan and Routing
Can read and write FSX PLN format (XML).
Can export flight plans in GFP format used by the Flight1 GTN 750/650.
Other export formats are PMDG RTE, Aerosoft Airbus FLP, X-Plane FMS and GPX. GPX files include the flown track.
Flight plans can be created from a route description copied from an online flight planner or other sources. This includes speed and altitude elements as well as SIDs and STARs.
Route descriptions can be generated from a flight plan. The included information can be configured.
Flight plans can be printed with options to include or exclude extensive detailed information.
Flight plans can be created or edited using drag and drop on the map display.
Easy flight plan editing in the table view including moving and deleting waypoints or whole flight plan fragments.
Names of user defined waypoints can be changed.
Can save, load and merge flight plans or flight plan snippets.
Automatic fast flight plan calculation for high/low altitude airways, VOR/NDB and preset cruise altitude. Flight plan snippets can be calculated between any kind of departure and destination point.
Can calculate flight plan fragments between any two waypoints of a present flight plan.
The automatic flight plan calculation is based entirely on flight simulator data. No third party data needed and no online services used.
Elevation profile display for flight plan using GLOBE offline or online data. Shows minimum altitude for flight plan with a configurable altitude buffer.
Undo/redo for all flight plan changes.
Robust protection against malformed flight plans. Does not put unknown waypoints far off the route.
Active flight plan leg is highlighted on flight plan table and on the map.
Top of descent point is calculated using a configurable rule of thumb and displayed on the map.

Procedures - Approaches, Transitions, SIDs and STARs
Uses approaches and transition from FSX or P3D stock data. Additionally supports SIDs and STARs from fsAerodata navdata updates or future AIRAC updates.
Displays much more information for procedures than the flight simulator GPS.
Procedure search dialog with type and runway filters that allows easy selection and preview of procedures.
Procedures can be easily added and removed from flight plan.
Information for selected procedures is stored as an annotation in the default simulator PLN-files and reloaded when the file is opened by Little Navmap. No need to deal with an extra file format only used by Little Navmap.

Uses several free online maps (OpenStreetMap Mapnik, OpenTopoMap, Stamen Terrain and the OSM Roads layer provided by Heidelberg University) as well as three simple offline maps. The offline maps are included in the Little Navmap download.
Hill shading option for all OpenStreetMap variants. Two map themes feature worldwide hill shading.
Option for adding additional user defined map themes.
Two projections: Mercator (flat) and spherical (round globe).
Can use the offline free GLOBE elevation data which has world wide coverage or a slower limited online resource.
Airport display iconography based on real world VFR maps thus combining plenty of information in a small symbol and a few lines of text.
Detailed airport diagrams displayed in the map (not in a separate window) including parking, taxiways, displaced thresholds, overrun areas and much more.
Add-on airport names are shown in italic text for easier recognition. Display settings allow only add-on airports to be shown.
Distance and course measurement lines and configurable range rings also showing radio navaid ranges.
Can load and display Google Earth KML files.
History of map position and zoom distance like a web browser.
Map display configuration including detail level on the toolbar.
Symbol sizes, text sizes, text labels and colors are configurable in options dialog.
Detailed tooltips on map display for airports, navaids, airways, airspaces, AI aircraft, AI ships, multiplayer aircraft and more.
Fast and widely configurable display of airspaces.
Airspaces can be filtered by type and altitude (above or below 10,000 ft or 18,000 ft or at flight plan altitude).
Map can be printed or saved as image.

Simulator aircraft
Can connect directly to simulator.
Autoconnect mode for remote or local connections. Order of program startup is not relevant.
Shows simulator user aircraft on the map including flight plan progress, ambient parameters like wind, temperature, pressure and more (similar to a flight management computer). Requires Little Navconnect for remote computers which is included in the download.
Shows track of simulator user aircraft.
Shows AI and multi-player aircraft and ships.
Using Little Navconnect as an agent between the simulator and Little Navmap running on a remote computer saves the pain of remote SimConnect setup

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